Healing Through Nature

I realize how much I love nature. While I haven't been out much during the pandemic, as I look out my window from my desk, I notice how happy the birds and the white butterflies make me. When I open my curtains in the morning, and close them at night, I realize that while I can oftentimes be melancholic, I love being awake to experience the sun and moon, and would love to never have to sleep. I see now that while I struggle to be "happy" in life, I actually love God's creation, and there never seems to be enough time in a day to appreciate each hour. And every season offers something beautiful to delight my senses.

I believe that nature can heal us. When I was able to experience an enchanted day in the forest three years ago almost to the day, which is permanently marked on my body despite my successful walk amongst the rooted trees, stones and hills, only to trip once I got home on my way up the porch, with a nice little dent in my shin now, I felt like a new person. Materialism didn't hold as much weight on me, and I got to experience the rejuvenation that even just one day in nature could do for me. It was a beautiful day, and while the relationship that permitted that experience shortly thereafter crashed and burned and can never return, I can separate that from the memories I wish to cherish, which is growth for me and for which  I am so grateful.

When I am connected to nature, I am in a position to be open to God and to others. I am less selfish when I am in tune with the plants and the animals, because I can see the beauty of the world, and it edges out the pity parties in my mind. The things I think matter, that I decide make or break me, are meaningless. I can experience this healing and the choosing of healthy priorities when I am aware of life on earth, and in so I can fully show up for life and participate, with some sincere happiness. This is the miracle of nature. 💖

Off the grid, July 29, 2017. One of the most healing experiences of my life.
