Greetings my wonderful readers!
This marks the end of the activity on this blog. I am inexplicably grateful and amazed at the work I did on this site. Publishing this last post in January 2022, makes it a near perfect 10 years from my first post in January 2011. There are over 500 posts on this site, all chronicling my spiritual, and as of the past year and a bit, wellness journey.
I have absolutely treasured this blog. In its early years, I would post and edit articles for days afterward. This blog was just a couple of months old when I showed it to a business owner and got an admin job based almost solely on my writing skills. Sadly that job didn't work out, but what does remain is the beautiful memory of an executive being deeply moved and appreciative of my writing abilities.
I am amazed at the commitment I showed to this blog, and so grateful for the natural ending of it. I know I tried to close this blog last December, which would have also been acceptable in my mind, number wise; a tribute post in January truly would have made it a perfect 10, being 2011-2021, but there was still more work to do. I had to keep hold of it whilst I built up my new website and my brand, and then lose it in the spirit of financial health, and start again.
Happy New Year, and see you on the flipside 💗🙏
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