God's Upside-Down Kingdom

This pandemic has surfaced all of my base fears, that I am resisting with hope and courage:

1) Of not having enough (Running out of money, no stock in stores)
2) Of being alone (Not having someone to help me)
3) Of being rejected (Getting the virus and being ostracized)

But after having had a spiritual awakening, I am able to turn it around:

1) Use this opportunity to use less, to be more mindful.
2) Appreciate the people who are in my life today.
3) Have faith that whatever happens, God will walk with me.

While I am blessed to live in an area that is not highly infected, mass hysteria, empty store shelves, cancelled church services, and advisories for certain demographics to be quarantined, it is hard to not "believe the hype". Once again though, I can turn this around, and learn a new way to interpret society (media) and government. I am learning new ways to live, to relate to money, and where to place my confidence.

In testing times, we see what our character is, and I have found that I like who I am. Comfort is fleeting in this world, and I was trained to adapt to discomfort through circumstances that I had no choice in, and then through disciplines that I did choose. When it feels like the end of the world, not much else matters other than the support of others and the realization that time is not what we think it is.

A plant needs only a few things to grow and then bless its surroundings, and the same goes with people. For someone like me who was always afraid of not having enough and being left behind, having this life experience truly demonstrates that days are short and vitality doesn't require much. Digging roots into deep soil and trusting that God will nourish me with both sun and rain, an upside-down kingdom reminds me that I will be okay, and maybe even have stable enough roots to help others.
