When the Student is Ready...

"And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." Matthew 6.12
Yes another metaphysical teacher I followed bites the dust. Perhaps she really will return in 2020 as forecasted, but will I still be around for her by then? Yet again someone who I have been deeply influenced by has seemingly thrown in the towel. The third in five years who has backed down.

But I remain compassionate, because there might be a time when I back down too. Will Wisdom in Christ Ministries always be available? God only knows. In the past I would have blamed the New Age in its entirety for yet another disappointment, but really, this disillusionment can happen to anyone, irrespective of prestige or consequence. Unprepared and unreliable leaders are all around us and we can't for the most part detect them.

What I have learned the past month after a turbulent summer and losing and winning readers is that each path, when in its most pure basic form, is unique. It is when I feel threatened, guilty, or unimportant that I define a "right" path and defend it to the core. Today I understand that as rigid thinking, and recognize it as a very dangerous place to be. It makes enemies when none need to be made, and it alienates people who are only trying to learn. It's not about being a prophet who rebukes, it's about being one who heals.

I can appreciate how beautiful and solid my work is today because I can trace it back to a lineage which is not only demonstrated but most importantly practiced now without fear and apprehension. The greatest blessing is that it was all in God's time and the most cherished outcome is that it's all my own, which means I get to define healthy boundaries and decide who comes in to benefit and who needs to stay away. And I think the root of this power is realizing that in the final analysis, there is no right or wrong way - there is only the art to stay.

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein
