Prayer for a psychic attack

Below is a prayer for use in spiritual warfare, when losing the battle. This will turn it around really fast, and give you victory during moments of attack that come out of left-field (usually through a subconscious trigger).

Lord Jesus Christ, Defend me.
Lord Jesus Christ, Vindicate me.
Lord Jesus Christ, Sanctify me.
Lord Jesus Christ, Redeem me.
Lord Jesus, Restore me.
Lord Jesus Christ, Resurrect me.

Repeat as needed. The reason why this prayer is so effective, is because it doesn't waste precious seconds with non-effectual words. Each word carries immense power, and is carefully selected. A psychic attack is akin to a "coup de main" (surprise attack), and is a sophisticated technique of the enemy, an elite principality. Ultimately the average person is not equipt for such an onslaught without the right defense. Generally, a person can never be fully prepared for such an event, because it involves a degree of perfection few have attained. This is why it is so crucial to have the right armor.
