As I listened to beautiful classical music on community FM radio, I took the scenic route home from work this evening. I passed several landmarks of my youth, and I felt sadness. But today I know that feeling of sadness comes from a place of a skewed perception signalling to me that I both lost what I had, and didn't get enough of what I wanted during that time which those landmarks represented, as well.
That sorrow is not only being felt in vain, it is false.
It is false because I know that my God has not only not forsaken me, but that I am today in a place of abundance. This means two things: 1) I was never meant to have more of what I had in those places in space and time, and 2) Whatever I believe was taken from me was either not there to be taken in the first place, and that more is to be revealed IN GOD'S TIME.
Today I live in God's world, I don't just visit it time-to-time when I am feeling as Oswald Chambers put it "on the mountaintop". In God's world there are no accidents, and no one is left behind. In my grief during the early phases of my recovery I would ask God why He took things from me. He replied, "I have far greater things planned for you." I share this because while it was a personal comfort sent to me in a moment of distress, I believe that this message is universal.
As Joyce Meyer says, we are not victims - we are children of God. Every time I come from a place of lack, scarcity, trauma, or fear, I am setting myself up to break down any form of success that I am building up in my new life. The prayer of St. Francis of Assisi reads, "It is better to understand than to be understood, to love than to be loved." These words have spiritually saved my life, and it is the people like the preachers and the saints, the authors and the recovered dreamers who are demonstrating that this world is abundant and now I know, so am I.
So when those attacking thoughts come, and they come without warning, I have the tools provided by those who came before me, and I pick them up and I use them. There is always a road map, and when it's from God, there are no hidden roads, there is only peace and the satisfaction of knowing that not only am I enough, I am of pure magic, and therein lies abundance.
That sorrow is not only being felt in vain, it is false.
It is false because I know that my God has not only not forsaken me, but that I am today in a place of abundance. This means two things: 1) I was never meant to have more of what I had in those places in space and time, and 2) Whatever I believe was taken from me was either not there to be taken in the first place, and that more is to be revealed IN GOD'S TIME.
Today I live in God's world, I don't just visit it time-to-time when I am feeling as Oswald Chambers put it "on the mountaintop". In God's world there are no accidents, and no one is left behind. In my grief during the early phases of my recovery I would ask God why He took things from me. He replied, "I have far greater things planned for you." I share this because while it was a personal comfort sent to me in a moment of distress, I believe that this message is universal.
As Joyce Meyer says, we are not victims - we are children of God. Every time I come from a place of lack, scarcity, trauma, or fear, I am setting myself up to break down any form of success that I am building up in my new life. The prayer of St. Francis of Assisi reads, "It is better to understand than to be understood, to love than to be loved." These words have spiritually saved my life, and it is the people like the preachers and the saints, the authors and the recovered dreamers who are demonstrating that this world is abundant and now I know, so am I.
So when those attacking thoughts come, and they come without warning, I have the tools provided by those who came before me, and I pick them up and I use them. There is always a road map, and when it's from God, there are no hidden roads, there is only peace and the satisfaction of knowing that not only am I enough, I am of pure magic, and therein lies abundance.
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