Balancing the inner light

I have noticed that there is a difference between inner light for guiding self, and inner light for guiding others. When I am shining my inner light for self, I am more humble and meek, more willing to be flexible and engaged, and more integrated into the web of culture where I am better accepting of others and circumstances. When my inner light is guiding self, I desire connection more than goal-setting. This is the passive, unnoticed work, and I believe this to be a more feminine energy.

When I am shining my inner light for others, I am more focussed, attentive, dispassionate, disciplined, and less interested in anything that could be a hindrance in achieving my goal. This is a more active power where there is often outward reward. I consider this inner light for others a more masculine energy.

My name means "Woman" in Old English, but I have mostly lived in the masculine polarity of energy. In Kundalini Yoga the practitioner is given a spiritual name, whereby he or she works to live up to that name. I had never received a spiritual name when I practiced, but in my heart I knew I wanted to live up to my birth name.

This meant I had to give up a few things. First and foremost - drugs and alcohol which are (in my experience) tools for the masculine energy. Then I had to give up keeping (as many) secrets - this in my opinion, is also a masculine technique used to help facilitate scientific and financial progress in society. And the hardest thing I had to break from - telling others what I believed their spirituality needed to look like.

In cultivating balance in my mind (and therefore life), I first need balance between my inner light for self, and my inner light for others. Without the respect and trust of my peers, which I gain through the strength of inner light for self, I will only alienate myself in then vain attempts of oiling my inner light for others. My intentions will become murky and show through. This of course means releasing from a phony call of duty to serve others by trading in that saviour syndrome with the appreciation through light for self, first.

People are generally intuitive. No matter how disturbed a person is, even the most viciously possessed characters could recognize God when His son passed by. We inherently know Truth, and I recognize my own discord and disassociation when I am not living in balance, through the feelings of defeat when I am not in accordance with my surroundings.

There is a time and a place for the things that I want, and today I work to approach my instincts with the respect and reverence that they need, while respecting the boundaries of others. This means that sometimes I must go within and shine my inner light only for myself, with the hope that the nourishment from those rays will in turn grace my life by turning outward, for others. Amen.
