5D Selflessness

I'm inspired to get back to a more upbeat theme in my work. I went through a difficult year. I belabored the inspirational speakers, who to my error relied too heavily on, when their personal lives got in the way of their work, or caused them to abandon their efforts all together. But last week I realized I did the same thing: I went from posting minimum two articles a week to one article a month, if even, after going through my setback in the late winter. Life has been challenging mostly just because it has been different. In retrospect, nothing of tragedy actually happened. I can see now that the big obstacle, losing the family home, had to happen, because it was infested with very serious and crippling pain going back decades. I know through and through after a break-through this past weekend that it really was time to let it go. It wasn't a loss so much as it was a stepping stone to greater things.

Someone who I follow on Facebook mentioned 5D the other day in one of his videos. He wasn't referring to the new age idea of vibrating at such a high frequency we leave this planet and go into the heavenly realms, he was talking more about the dehumanization that our culture and technology is leading us to, and changing those attributes into more considerate counterparts (some of which I'll mention soon).

 I believe in choices more than ever now, and while I learned something unfortunate about society in one more step away from innocence last month, I moved one more step toward an incredible independence where I believe today I can be the author of my own outcome. but it takes a lot of hard work, mostly mental dexterity.

And in that empowerment I have new energy and strength to look at 5D in a new way, and I made up my own formula: Love, Kindliness, Compassion, Tolerance, and GENEROSITY. The last being the real theme of this piece today. These are the ingredients for sacrifice, but since people don't like that word in a society that would prefer to chant mantras than recite prayers, I will instead call it selflessness - which is the same thing just packaged in a more palatable design.

We can all talk about being compassionate and caring when immersed in the cocoon of conversation, but when it comes to applying that knowledge in the world during times when we feel threatened or when we are feeling tight on time, unappreciated, and disrespected, those good intentions of practice become just theoretical ideals that are made for another time (5D perhaps?). But the glue that bind those ingredients together which permits some sort of form to be transformed into something to really be enjoyed is generosity.

When I can recognize that I really do have the time, the respect, the worth...all of those things that I fear are not present, I no longer need to defend myself. My survival and twisted sense of prestige fall by the wayside. When I really DO believe that I have an abundance, yes I can let people get on the subway ahead of me even though I was standing first in line, yes I can take a breath and not react when someone cuts me off on the road, yes I can feel appreciative of what another woman might have that I don't, instead of letting jealousy dictate how I will judge a situation.

So the key is to believe that I will be okay if I share. The purpose is to come to an understanding between me and God that I have plenty, and that there is enough time, space, resources, talents and gifts to be generous with everything that I have to offer. I'll be posting more on this topic, because I also have enough strength, resilience, and humility to remain in this vein. The vein that leads me to the veil where all peace and prosperity rest behind.
