Christ, the Water Bearer

We must walk before we may run. We were made gods, independent and immortal, but when we tried to access our divinity before it was our time, our power was revoked. Even Jesus said no, when his time had not yet come. (John 2.4) Our dis-ease of greed, pride, and lust were born, and we became reliant on a sort of redemption.

We now experience death (John 10.34 and Psalm 82.6-7). Jesus reminded us of our nature, and in announcing that the kingdom of God is within us, gave us his blessing to pursue our divinity. (Luke 17.21) Whether deserved or not, and it is most certainly not, God is allowing for us to return to our godhood - unity with him.

Christ said that he was to be lifted up, just as the saving bronze snake by Moses was lifted in the desert (John 3.14 and Numbers 21.8-9). Now it is time to imitate as children do (Matthew 18.3), and raise the snake within. 

The ancient teaching of the kundalini: the sleeping serpent coiled in the sacrum, the triangular bone at the base of the spine, which means "holy" in Latin because it was used in sacrifice, is returning to us. In death, which we experience by being cut off from God, and so denied of our life force, it was believed that we went to sleep; there was no afterlife. Jesus taught us that not only is there an afterlife, but that we will never again experience death: When Jesus died and was resurrected, he prepared us for salvation.

This snake is our energy that is God's which is given to us, and in turn becomes our own divinity. When awakened from its slumber, made dormant upon our misunderstanding of what sin is, we return to our divine state. The yogis claim that the Church will fall with the passing of the Age of Pisces, the Fish, which is Christ's symbol, when we move into the house of Aquarius, symbolized by the Sacrum, which holds the water of life that the Water Bearer provides. But it is Jesus who brings the living water. (John 4.10-4) Christ said that we must be reborn of Spirit and of water (John 3.5), and that he will return to save us through the cleansing waters of baptism in the form of the Water Bearer.

There are numerous verses in the Bible where it would appear that the Trinity is false, and are used in argument against Christianity. But the passages that define Christ's relationship to the Father are an explanation of how we too are to be united with God. Verses such as "The Father is in me, and I in the Father" (John 10.38), "Glorify your Son, so that your Son may glorify you." (John 17.1), and "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God." (John 8.42), can show a placement of the serpent, when we read them in the context of recognizing the kingdom within. While the Jews were waiting for the Temple to be rebuilt, Jesus told them that rather it was the body that was the Temple. Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit dwells within us now.

Yesterday (02/10/13) also marked the Year of the Snake in the Chinese lunar year. The Chinese zodiacs further include Wu Xing, which are elements used to describe a phase that is connected to that year, and range from interaction between the body as a collective, relationships with others, and the state of worldly affairs. This year, the Phase is Water, and represents the low point of matter, where it's dying or hiding. It could appear that the Church is dying in this new age of rebellion and apostasy, but in reality it is just hidden, waiting for a Revelation, which the last book in the New Testament is about: the end, and what is to come to light. In the new age, information will be free and flowing, and there will be no more secrets.

With the serpent playing a core role in our union with the divine throughout the ages, and the Age of Aquarius being correlated to that, it is possible that the Water Bearer will be Christ's new form.
