And they will know the truth

"Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit.
Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened...
So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, 'Truly this was the Son of God!'" 
Matthew 27.50-54
Sometimes big events don't go as we had hoped. But something that was revealed to me this morning is that when a truth is present, the event can be a mess, but it will still be perfect because the truth can never be confused. Eventually. all will know the truth.

When Christ died on the cross, God's spirit came upon the people who had been looking on, and all knew at once that he was the Son of God - he was everything the people denied him to be during the time that he had witnessed on earth.

Whether truth is concealed, denied, or simply presented to people not prepared to accept it, it is painful. When we are entrusted by God to be a vessel to that truth, yet all we feel is overlooked and forsaken, we can feel rejected.

But are we really? If God's truth will be permeated regardless of the circumstances, which of course it will, it's important to release from any notion of how victory ought to look. Rising above self-defeating self-talk of regret because we believed to have missed the mark is actually defiance to God's will, the most dangerous attitude we can take on.

Not only does self-denigration assume God's will was not administered, but it gives our power away to other people, which is so self-harming as it leaves us defenseless against psychic attacks which often times we aren't even aware of.

I am recognizing that I have given much of my power away, and I didn't even know. But God will always have His way, and I am finding His scales of justice balance what has been removed from me much more swiftly that I could ever hope for.

So this is today's message - things are not what they seem. With a sincere, even if corrupted, heart, along with a willingness to become a happy person, God will correct all that torments us, and He will do it gently, allowing us to move forward with integrity.

I don't need work on being right today, because I am right without effort, without needing to even have it in mind. God uses us as vessels which can be shattered in less than the blink of an eye, so what does it matter what I of myself could possibly manage? I will be recognized after the fact, not during. During God's work I will be judged, processed, and dismissed, and that needs to be okay with me. Sooner than later the truth will be infused, because there really is no choice and no preparation once God makes a decision.
