Caring for others

I'm doing well. I am receiving the help that I need, and inviting others to join me in my journey toward regeneration, while dismissing those who hinder me.

And hindrance, to me, refers to being quelled, and is not to be confused with people who take cheap shots here and there. One way to identify hindrance is when we feel in our gut, sometimes referred to as the second brain, that we are acting in a way which is inconsistent with how we want to be. Perhaps this inauthenticity is physical, verbal, or even mental, and for me, I was remaining in that cycle because I was people-pleasing out of fear of not being liked, or being talked about. Then with the help of a trusted friend I woke up to the fact that I was debilitating everything I was working towards during my time on this beautiful planet, and what other people think or say about me is none of my business.

Conversely, when someone is throwing darts, it's important to look with kindness at WHY that is happening, because more often than not, they are being cast by those who are closest to us, and so coming from a place of compassion can save us much heartache. Chances are these people are simply hurt themselves and are not intentionally trying to harm us.

This is why we put on the armour of God - righteousness, truth, kindness, willingness, and faith, because when we prepare ourselves in such as way, we can respond from a place of love. And that starts with self-love. When coming from a place of acceptance, we do not crack, for we are not punctured by those darts. We might be bruised - the traction might have been powerful, but there will not be enough damage for it to be long-term. In other words, the intrusion will not be internalized.

I have also been eating healthy and getting enough sleep, and this gives me the fuel and rehabilitation that I need to be in this world. I have the energy to physically do what I need to do, and also to maintain the concentration needed for my studies. Consistency is a key to contentment, because it offers us diligence, and in that, a sense of well-being and accomplishment. Whatever our commitments are, maintaining that discipline, preferably within a schedule (the jury is out on how beneficial routine is, but for me, it is a life-saver), offers the stability which we all need, whatever our lifestyles look like.

I'm feeling very focussed. Yes I have moments where I am thrown off balance, but that is normal as I am not a machine (and even machines have their limits). The point is to have the humility to be honest when a mistake is made, or a trouble is brewing, because then it can be corrected, and there is no shame in asking for help and working to be a better person. In fact, it is noble. (side note - humility and nobility are by no means opposing forces).

When we are happy, we help others to be happy, and then our joy grows even more. "Happiness multiplies when it is divided with others." Be the light that guides people and animals and the environment to health and dignity. It's worth the extra two minutes per day to care for someone or something else. But as always, it starts with us. So prepare, and take care.

Until next time.
