Call to cleanse

I just had a far out meditation.

I was being guided to cleanse, that it was time for me to put on my spiritual armour, and that I needed to wash first.

I went into the conference room where there are no computers, which I am feeling are very draining right now. Facebook is more of a nuisance to me today than a toy or a medium: I needed to recharge. (And which is why I am writing, I believe it's a non-harmful way to use my computer right now), I also wanted to work with (maybe more honestly put, use) the natural power of the office finches to assist me in my meditation.

I have laid in savasana before, on the floor behind the table where I can be unnoticed, but I have never tried to work with the birds in my rejuvenation. Animals are moving through their own soul journey, and are susceptible to human neglect, discord, and misguided energy, so I knew I needed to be careful not to manipulate their life force.

So I began my meditation with the intention of working as non-violently as possible, without taking too much of their strength, or without forcing onto them too much of my used up (toxic) energy that I needed to release. I visualized a symbiotic, perfect universe, designed to without flaw move us through the natural cycles of a day.

I believe that I became at complete peace with myself and my surroundings, and was able to start a pranayama exercise of square breathing where I could truly detach without needing concern for anything around me.

One of the birds I call my feather-ball was really starting his song, so I rose and gave thanks to him. I am still really struggling right now with my energy, it is aggressive and I am going to journal now about the events that have precipitated this imbalance.

One thing is for certain, every paragraph has started with "I". This is not necessarily a bad thing, as Patanjali said, we make sense of the world around us through the self. However I know that my problems stem from thinking too much of self, without thinking enough about others. To be of service is to be of peace. Perhaps that is why I was called to cleanse and put on the armour of God.

Until next time!
