Reading for the week of May 13, 2018

Welcome to my first weekly card reading. This is the week that I feel confident to get started with a weekly spread - it's a new moon tomorrow, and that means the time for creativity and possibly. So let's get started!

Tonight and tomorrow is the time for us to really get meditative and consider what our immediate goals for the rest of the month will be. While we are mid-month, the second half of lunar cycle is just beginning, though soon the monthly cycle will come to it's completion in two weeks time, with the full moon. 

At the beginning of the week (technically starting yesterday), we are leading up to, and then moving through, the new moon (which will be tomorrow). 

The weather has been absolutely beautiful, and now is the time to go out and enjoy the sunlight. Even if we don't have a forest or lake to go to, simply sitting in the sun for 10 minutes will do wonders for our mental health. Use the rays to burn up those negative feelings of incompletion, and feel confident knowing that whatever issues are concerning you, they will resolve themselves peacefully, and even better that you could expect. 

We might not realize it, but we are being guided through any sort of difficulties that we might be having. When spending those ten minutes in the sunlight, or even in the moonlight, ask God to allow His messages of healing and hope to descend upon you, and to give any answers that you might be seeking. This will help clear up any confusions, so that you might be able to set your new moon intentions with more clarity.

Upon sitting and receiving guidance, some physical activity might be helpful and intuitive. Try walking or stretching, singing, swaying, or soft dancing.

After the new moon tomorrow night we will be in midweek, and that will be a good opportunity to hone in on what your intuition is telling you. I'd like to remind you that intuition are not feelings - intuition is direct guidance from God, whereas feelings are generally fear-based because they are a tool used to control the mind in situations, even happy ones. The Old and New Testaments tell us that feelings are untrustworthy - even deceitful. Remember the work that you did at the beginning of the week to be released from negative feelings that have been weighing you down! The solution is not to replace those negative feelings with positive feelings, but rather to lighten your load and trust that God will carry you through your troubles. 

It is the attachment to earthly pleasures that the mind is ultimately seeking, and the definition of fear is worrying about what we will lose, or worrying about what we won't get. This is why we must use this time in preparation of the new moon to not give in to any thoughts that do not draw us closer to God. The law in Buddhism is that life is suffering, but that is only because we become attached. Be mindful that even seemingly positive feelings are inevitably bonding us to things that are impermanent and fleeting. Feelings are an illusion. Use this time to let bad feelings go, and to be reflective of whether your good feelings are really coming from God. 

In closing at the end of the week, thank God for what you accomplished, you did good work! It takes strength to call on God and to resist the devil's attacks of negative thinking. Archangel Michael is the strongest and most loyal of God's angels, and he is entrusted to be the first and commander in all spiritual battles - these are the battles that the angels wage for our freedom. Remember those feelings of uselessness, self-pity, and envy? They are actively being defeated on your behalf every time you feel them. 

Remember that you are encouraged to release from fear and apprehension - this is a very good week coming up. Keep calm, and meditate on. Reserve your energy and build strength for any curve balls that the Universe might throw you at the end of the week. An army of God has your back, and everything is being taken care of on a higher level: your concerns have already been sorted out. Blessings to you!

Diana Cooper "Dragon Oracle Cards"
Kyle Gray "Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards"
Kyle Gray "Angel Prayers Oracle Cards"
