There is a popular concept in the New Age movement about being complete in oneself, and this is most evident in the "Twin Flame" community. A twin flame is said to be two halves of one soul that were separated upon being incarnated on Earth, where the two halves would learn valuable lessons of ascension, and then finally reunite to be one soul and live happily ever after. Well, mostly. Generally, twin flames are not thought to typically unite in the third dimension, where the teaching of being "whole" in oneself is to really be the primary purpose in ones' voyage.
That said, this idea of being complete in oneself in the TF community is more like damage control than I think a genuine teaching, because sadly the TF community ultimately becomes a cesspool of depravity, from being a support group for dangerously obsessive people to disrespect the boundaries of their crushes, to going as far as encouraging people to break up relationships to be with the person's "true" soulmate.
But what really shocked me this evening was when I heard it in a Christian community. That is, being complete in oneself. Now there is always something to be said for context and "poor" editing, but in the preview for the show it was a husband and a wife (or soon-to-be so), and he said, with her right beside him, "I love her, but I don't need her." NOW, I really do understand what he meant - that as humans the only thing we really need is God, but this is called "false humility". Adam needed Eve - that is why God created her.
Humans have needs in the material, that God in the spiritual offers us to use through his grace and favour. So yes, sir, you DO need your wife, it is NOT "codependent" to rely on your partner, and frankly, if a man said to me that he didn't need me, I would hope to God that I would have the self-worth to walk away!!
Perhaps it is in the blending of Eastern philosophies with Christian theologies that is becoming more acceptable today, but to dismiss that God gave us each other, whether as lovers, friends, neighbours, teachers, students, whatever, as being something to "pass time" with, and being someone to "love" but to not "need", is very twisted.
I love and I need the people in my life. Will I fall away and perish if they die or leave me? No, I am an autonomous person who can work and who can pay my taxes and who can afford to eat at least modestly. I can pray I can exercise, I can read I can write, I can listen to music, I can do all the things I love as a hermit, totally, but that is not how we were designed to live. That is not living a truly fulfilling life, because I am not unto myself and I do not believe that anarchy is a healthy lifestyle.
People need people, that's why we all have different skills, so that we can come together and exchange goods and services and ideas and thereby have higher qualities of life. So the next time you think you don't "need" someone, especially a LOVER, just drop what you're doing and take a nap. For the love of God.
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