The Global Christian Committee - WIP

I have begun brainstorming how the second (global and digital) Reformation can begin to take place, and what the outline will be. The Global Christian Committee (hereinafter named "GCC") will be open to all suggestion, from literature, to doctrine, to rites of worship (if any). While the GCC has been birthed from the need to reform the Christian faith, its name may be subject to change as is takes on knowledge and applied wisdom from multi-disciplinary fields, such as Rosicrucianism, Kabbalah, and Sufism.

To start, the following shall be suggested:


1) Three official texts - The Old Testament, Psalms and Proverbs, The New Testament.

2) The New Testament will have from it removed anything that is inconstant with Christ's Great Commandment, or his status of Godhood. Items such as any letters that speak against the occult or sexuality to be removed. 

3) Any Gnostic gospel that is consistent with any of the canonized gospels may be considered for addition to the New Testament, or the book of poems and proses, if written as such. Any books that were removed in the making of the King James Bible may be considered for re-admittance. 


1) All supernatural lessons shall be taken for mystical purposes, and all literalism will be rejected.

2) Any dated lesson of that time in antiquity will be treated as such, or removed to prevent misinterpretation and confusion. 

3) The message of the Cross shall not be compromised under any circumstances.


1) Should any forms for rites or worship be agreed upon, while the GCC functions digitally, groups in physical communities may meet autonomously, in public or private, with the authority to instruct.


1) The GCC shall meet in groups online, with a Board Committee (hereinafter named "BC") formed by apostles, chosen, as Inyate Khan teaches, through initiation of the inner self. The BC can furthermore nominate and elect anyone seen fit by way of knowledge of scripture, and wisdom of practical application, to sit in council.

2) All professing born-again followers of Christ may participate in the GCC, and are entitled to one vote per person.

3) Should the GCC become disorganized, for whatever reason, the BC has the right to dissolve and regroup.

4) While there are leaders who form and facilitate the GCC, all who abide by the teachings of the gospels and wish to join will have a voice in any changes or propositions during planning sessions. 
