Why is it that the forerunners in spiritual communities who seem so solid, even prosperous, don't have real answers when asked how they achieved their accomplishments? I have increasingly found that when asked how they stay so steadfast, all they can say is, "pray" or "love Christ". Well, what does that mean exactly? Jesus' disciples were part of God's inner circle; say what you will, they were the chosen elite, and even they didn't know how to pray - they had to ask. And when someone has been fortunate enough to utilize a talent for success, they don't seem to actually know how to explain what they did, or lift someone up: it just comes from a place of, "I'm closer to God than you", with the false indication that the seeker can be "just as close"...No, we can't, because we are drowning.
It's really painful when as humans with individual traits and talents that need different tending to, we oftentimes don't even know what those are for reasons such as not being recognized or cultivated in childhood, or in being a member of society where we have immediate and consuming life-depending obligations. And yet we thirst; we suffer in our mundanity, in our knowing there is more, but not knowing the path to take, not even knowing what tools are available for us to get started. So we look to those who are solid, who can fearlessly talk before others, and we implore them, "Help me see what you have seen for yourself!"
But all they can say is, "Pray".
When I was young, I had fear of the Lord. I promised God I would never ask for money, I saw the way it ruined my family, the way it became a disease in actively pursuing it, the neglect and poverty that ensued in a blind and reckless chase. But the truth is, money is a necessary tool - it's needed to start up projects, it's needed to compensate for the livelihood that ultimately must be sacrificed to follow through with life purpose, and it's needed to give away, to help those in need.
That resolution to not pray for money followed through in all requests from God, because without even being taught about "God's will", I wanted to accept the hand I was dealt, in all situations. So pray, pray for what exactly? Pray for God to reverse what must have been a mistake?
Maybe we can pray to be shown our talents, to be given the willpower or the energy necessary to follow through with the steps needed to start a meaningful endeavor, however most of us do not even know how to begin to approach God, let alone know what to petition for. So that leaves us with what? I say take the power back, recognize these "leaders" for who they really are: non-sense.
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