The Golden Age

Earth is in a limbo stage, as we currently transition from the Age of Aquarius to the Golden Age. From 2012 until 2032, Earth will undergo a massive purge, as we ascend to the fifth dimension of love, understanding, respect, and dignity.

Gaia has already begun to release from her pain and lower energies, and as life on Earth is the closest, we have begun to experience the brunt of it. Health issues are rampant, and distress in developed nations also exemplify this painful shift. But while we suffer in this purge, it is only the refiner's fire - as Christ said, these things must first take place. 

Extra dimensional beings in the angelic realms are constantly assisting, guiding, and refuelling us, and some of us are also learning how to transmute for our benefit, and the benefit of all forms of life on Earth - these are the trailblazers who go unnoticed, however once in contact with them, you will recognize their power immediately, and you might be discovering that you yourself are a lightworker. 

There are many resources and support groups to help us gracefully make sense of this transition into the Golden Age, and it is becoming more and more acceptable to honour the light within us that is to burn in passion for the soothing of Gaia's glorious ascent. Many beings from the angelic realms have been with us for eons, and are ready to come to our aid at any time. 

One of the best ways to cope with the ascension symptoms, which aren't only physical but can also seem like spiritual attacks, is to hone our healing gifts, and to help protect all life forms. This will not only help Gaia, but will also help ourselves to ease the discomfort that we are experiencing.
