In the moment

I have been pulling the same cards from my Dragon (Diana Cooper) and Unicorn (Doreen Virtue) card decks, so I am either not shuffling well (that's almost for certain), or the message needs to be reinforced for now. It seems to me that I should remember first and foremost to be grounded. That means no flowery excess, and no living in any other moment than now. 

Awareness is priority at this time, because I need to gracefully adjust and accept the changes that are coming into my life. While the changes are wonderful, I tend to "drop the ball" at crunch time. I suspect this has something to do with nerves, or with self-sabotaging/self-fulfilling prophecy. A big struggle also is an insatiable need for control, or conversely a nauseating fear of losing it, which can be excruciating, and typically precedes the crash and burn.

It's important for me to really know what I want, and what I don't want. Unfortunately, it is oftentimes difficult to understand that these are intertwined and so I must put them both into perspective - not at all easy! Therefore I will meditate on what I do want, so when the things I don't want seep in, like the intrusive thoughts that can lead to destructive actions, I will be so in-the-moment of living out my dreams and accomplishing my goals, that self-destructive habits cannot take over.

Breath is my greatest tool, and while the basic ingredient of life, also the most easy to neglect! But by remembering to breathe, I am instantly returned to the present moment, and that is where I begin to build. There ought to be no fear in creating, for as Dr. Kent M. Keith wrote, which was adopted by Mother Teresa, "What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway."

When in the present, life is not overwhelming, and the heavy burden of control is not on me. It's in the pure moments of being present where there is no fear and no consequence, there is only God and reassurance that if I follow certain guidelines, I will be more than alright. There is only the task at hand, and if I permit sanity through my breath, I am empowered to believe that everything will be alright, and that is where I find peace.
