Ask in peace

Today's card reading is about receiving what we ask for in prayer.

Jesus tells us that we can move mountains when we have the faith that we can. In previous lessons, we learn that God only 'answers" our prayers when we ask in accordance with His will, however today's verse shows us that with incredible and unwavering trust in God's power, we can really have ANYTHING we want!

BUT there is a catch :) We must have a CLEAN heart before praying. This means that we must have NO resentments towards others! So how can we receive from the Father without blemish?

We confess our sins to one another. This is the starting point, and this is where we find real healing begin; this is where we become open to receive all that we desire for the peace and joy that we all crave. This is true repentance, and this is where humility begins, for this is where we REALLY start to trust God, and put Him first.

Do you harbour ill feelings towards a person? If you do, just think ahead - think of what you want, for God WANTS you to be happy! Go to someone who you trust, then go and pray in gratitude for the opportunity and wisdom that God bestowed upon you to be healed and prosperous. Then, when you are prepared to go to God with your petition, be ready to experience miracles, because they WILL happen! Amen. 
