Today's card reading is an extension of yesterday's reading: do not worry, for God knows exactly what we need, and He will provide!
Today's verse follows one of my favourite in the Bible, "Look at these lilies: see how they neither reap nor sow, and yet not even Solomon was dressed as fine as these." (Matthew 6:28-9). I really find this the most beautiful and comforting passage. God knows what we need, and he can, and does, take care of us. But do we really look and see?
We might find ourselves feeling overwhelmed by events that can happen in our days, and yes, this can easily make us shortsighted, muddling our ability to accept His peace, but when we seek comfort in the faith that we will be provided for, we can see that they are never so engulfing that we cannot manage, or even conquer them.
Make a conscious effort to see past the challenges or disappointments that today might present you with, and recognize these inconveniences for what they really are - darts that the enemy is throwing at you in order to break your faith (Ephesians 6.16). But fear not! Be steadfast in your trust that God will relieve you of your setbacks! Where is your focus? Is it toward what is exciting about your day (even if it might seem mundane), or on the obstacles that you perceive to be in your way? Instead, look to The Way, that is God, and you will find yourself fully and completely provided for.
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