God's peace

Today's Jesus card reading is about peace, more importantly, the peace that the Lord gives to us. 

Is there something in your life at this exact moment that you can immediately recall to the forefront of your mind that is taking your peace? I am sure that you don't even need to recall it, it has probably never moved to the recess of your mind. Are you feeling irritable of a routine, afraid of future events, or uncertain of a decision that needs to be made? This is the time to call upon God for His guidance and peace, even if it is not Jesus directly, because all of the Son of man's power is authorized through God the Father, anyway (Matthew 28.18).

Dear one, causing doubt is the devil's tactic - it is the strongest weapon that he uses. In the Old Testament he is called the Accuser. and in the New Testament his is called the father of lies (John 8.44). Spiritual warfare is the doubt, worry, and lack of faith that causes us to take matters into our own hands. As in the Garden of Eden, it is our greatest downfall to erroneously believe that we are like God, and can do what only He can do, and know what only He can know (Genesis 3.2-4). This is the folly that all humans fall into, but Christ offers us the Way around the landmines that destroy us, and the traps that ensnare us.

Today, make a conscious resolution that no matter what strife or fear you are experiencing, you will trust that there is a greater plan for you, more glorious than anything your broken spirit is equipped to process during this vulnerable time. Trust that God will protect you, and have the faith that you will get what you truly want in the end.

God rewards those who persevere. In fact, those who persevere are called saints - that is its true definition. So take heart! Your troubles have already been overcome (John 16.33), and peace is waiting for you, ready for the taking, at the exact and immediate moment that you choose to trust in God's healing power. 
