From within, pt II

My Doreen Virtue Jesus cards have been shipped (!) and I have decided to take this blog in a different direction, as I plan to prepare for my ministry. Perhaps in the new year I will let this blog rest, for it will have been seven years diligently writing at least one article, per month. I have 245 posts on this blog. I have changed a lot over those years, and seven years of posting on this blog is a great and holy number, which is why I want to really start considering putting it to rest. 

My ultimate goal is to be so intertwined with God, that He becomes my main focus, and so I feel certain that speaking His Word is my true destiny. I want to trust God utterly, and believe my mentors when they say that there is a plan for me, even if I can't see it yet, even though life seems to just want to beat me down. Working in a job that really kept me disconnected (too busy and then tired to be online, and no phone time allowed during work), and then studying business, did not work out. I am back at my desk job, where I often have too much spare time, and most of it wasted on Facebook. And I really do view it as wasted now. I think I am doing good on it, but all I really am is feeling dejected and judgemental, and I feel judged in turn. 

I am starting to accept that I am an artist - something that I didn't really want to be. But now, I know that I can still be in the world, and not of it. And I want to write. Truly. Writing is my true talent; it is what I am formally trained in, from an Ivy league university, and it feels right, it feels anointed.

My plan for my future writing is to ease my way into ministry through the use of the oracle cards. I plan to scan the card and use the image, since I finally understand that people respond more to images than to text, and then to write about it. And I have studied for so long, and have been given so many revelations, I really believe that I have a path in this. And I am feeling confident in the cards, as I have both studied and worked with Virtue's first deck of cards, Daily Guidance From Your Angels.

We'll see. I don't like good-byes, but I am not sure if I can keep up with this blog for another year, and I have done so well with it, I don't want to just crap out halfway though. I don't believe that I can't maintain two sites, or write both on daily card readings, or general entries, but it is so important to me to treat this blog with the utmost respect. This is just something that I am considering, in my hopes to get more serious, more evangelical, and to reach a bigger audience, and I wanted to share my intentions.
