Acceptance is the answer

"And acceptance is the answer to all my problems." Alcoholics Anonymous, 417

I fought. I fought to exhaustion. Then last night, I got my reality check, and I knew there was no fight in me, for I would lose. But it was good, because now there may be peace, should I truly accept. 

And I thought I was someone who I wasn't, or rather that I wasn't who I was trying to be.

Then this afternoon I got another reality check:  I am exactly who I want to be, and I express it clearly, and cleanly, and people recognize me.

And there is also something dark within me, this keeps me from being who I thought I wanted to be, but today I know it's not ugly. It's not masculine, it does not betray me, and therefore, it is okay, and therefore, I am okay. It's just a world that wants me to be a part of it, and I want to learn about it, because I am in it, at times. 

And I have so many resources, and I am awake, and I know a little more clearly who my friends are, and who I can trust. 

Disappointment is nothing but an opportunity for something so much greater than what we can even fathom in that time of hurt. 
