Age of Aquarius

I have been reading some Yogi Bhajan lectures. Even through my conversion to Catholicism in 2010, I never forgot the teachings that I was fortunate to learn from him. I entered Kundalini Yoga unknowingly to the spirituality of it - I just wanted to be able to do a full split for my dance class. My first yoga class was in September 2005, which was the year after he died (October 2004). My teacher, who learnt in many ways directly under Yojiji's guidance, and who is his official biographer, wrote that the meditations which were given for early morning sadhana - the Aquarian Age meditations - were to be chanted only until 2013. Since Yogiji is no longer around to give a new set of meditations, it was suggested that we find our own (At least this was my interpretation).

I found this article which gives a theme for each decade, for the '60's, '70's, '80's, '90's, and the new millennium. I was thinking how it's too bad that we don't have anymore teachings, because we are in a new decade for it. So I have loosely been brainstorming what this decade's theme could be...There are hundreds of kryias (exercises) and meditations. It shouldn't be too hard to put together a new set....
