Trust your twin will come

It doesn't matter what is happening in your twin's life. All that matters is your sanity. If this person is your twin, you do not need them physically. If this person is your twin, you will feel good just knowing that your presence in their lives helps them, and therefore, it helps you. Believing in your healing power will make you feel so warm inside, you will find yourself in momentary relief - until you return back into the world, until you stop believing in your miraculous talents.

It's okay to love your twin from afar, because doing so holds a sacred space for you to heal, for you to do the work that needs to be done, before true love with your twin will manifest. And if you do the work, your love with your twin will absolutely manifest, it doesn't even matter if they are marrying a soulmate tomorrow - if you've done the work, you will be (re)united in this lifetime.

So what is the work? It is the absolute reliance on God. It is the utmost trust that God will not only take away your suffocating pain in that heat of the moment, but that His will for you is decreed, and is therefore good and right for you.  It is saying to God in the midst of falling apart, when relief seems impossible, when every disappointment that has ever been felt for as long as you can remember is screaming at you, and saying, "You know best God - lead the way!" Because with God, nothing is impossible. And the fear of everything you were, and everything you think you could never be, will pass.

And when that torment passes, and we have been returned to sanity, we can go back to holding that space for our twin - and for us. And once that space is filled with our trust in God and love for our twin - not for the physical, but for their full happiness - then our twin will be that much closer, and God will reward us. Our (re)union is contingent on the faith in our ability be healed and to heal, and for our complete abandonment to His Spirit. Then, we will be comforted.
