The chaser is the runner

We talk about the runner being the matrix, unawakened twin, but really, the chaser is just as unenlightened. 

In the twin flame journey, the runner is not actually running, because they do not even know that there is a chaser - the other half does not even register to them: it is as through this person does not exist. However the twins will eventually play a direct role in each other's lives, either as a friend, acquaintance, or co-worker. 

While the runner twin remains in a state of oblivion, they will be innately drawn to the chaser, but they will write it off as mere physical attraction, not understanding that it is actually a soul recognition, and why it is more powerful and memorable than any other stranger they see whom they find attractive. At this point, if there is a challenge in the twin flame (re)union (and there most certainly will be a significant one), the runner will do their utmost to transform any attraction into repulsion, in order to respect the limitations that are presented.

The reason why the chaser is delusional, is because they think that with enough effort, they can "convince" the runner to "return", but meanwhile the runner never even went anywhere, because there was nowhere from whence they could go!

Once the chaser fully let's go, aka surrenders, happiness through discovering one's talents, personal achievements, and acceptance of one's path will follow. To let go means to return to a pre-meeting state. The chaser must go on in their life, just as the runner must, but the key will be to have a more fulfilled and love-filled life than pre-meeting. Both twins might have karmic relationships to play out, and they for certain have soul growth that is required. Until the twin is satisfied being alone, being unique in society, being an inspirational being to others, in truth, being a lonely trail-blazer, then (re)union will be possible.  
