The Good Wheel

I have changed my blog URL several times, usually because I don't want certain stalkers to read my writing. "The Good Wheel" is a URL that I chose several years ago, after a really great confession.

Before I was initiated into the Church, I was working toward yoga mastery, and I am not even kidding. I rose at 3 am to be at the ashram by 4 am where we would start with a twenty minute prayer, followed by an hour and a half of meditation followed by forty-five minutes of yoga. I studied under a teacher who was the master's disciple, and I was absolutely sure I had met my destiny. 

Then the Lord called me to the Church, right as I had started a year-long yoga teacher training program! It took me YEARS to let yoga doctrine go, and it did not go quietly. I did my utmost to incorporate Christianity and yoga as one, and there is evidence of this on my blog.

Finally, I came to realize that it is not right for me to try to manipulate these two disciplines to suit my intellectual and emotional needs. Hence "The Good Wheel" - I no longer needed to reinvent the wheel  :)

Maybe there is correlation between the ancient art of yoga, and the ancient church, but I could not manage being lukewarm, for I would always come crashing right down, demoralized and dejected in spiritual aridity. 

I still love New Age, currently I am enjoying chakra work and the use of crystals, and after having a spiritual experience as a result of practicing the Twelve Steps, I also now love Reformed theology, because truly, the Program is Protestant in nature (And I now believe that escape of total depravity through regeneration is more of a Great Awakening teaching than a Catholic one). But I no longer try to mesh it all in as one neat little teaching, where I become the Leader. Today, I respect each path as individual and autonomous, and I find that my life has been enriched by them all  :)
