There is no salvation in karma, the governing principle in Eastern philosophy, for there is no true justice is this widely misunderstood doctrine. Those who have rejected their Christian birthright in the chase for serenity by seeing the "god within" have failed to see that karma is more a bitch than they can reckon with.
By the very definition of karma, pain can never be relieved, and therefore evil can never be conquered: it is a vicious cycle, not a holistic one. The New Age movement completely and utterly fails to confront the fundamental flaw in the teachings of karma, which is the silent assertion that pain is deserved.
Another serious flaw is the game of chance: in order for one's karma to come back to them, another must set up his karma to be consequently further corrected at a later time, by which another will set up her karma, and so on. For Jack's wrongs to be righted, Jill must be be his justice, while simultaneously becoming a victim, being setup for her intrusion on Jack to be avenged.
But the Westerner already had his victim and avenger, fully vindicating his entire and complete existence, through Jesus Christ, and yet we see more and more leaving the Son of God to proclaim some perverse self-demi-god nature. That, to me, is the poster-child of insanity.
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