To loose and to bind

We are living in a violent time - the age of Pisces, that translates into "House of Self-undoing", which means to have reversed something that has been done, bring destruction and ruin, or to unfasten or loosen. In fact, it is the only age of destruction, and so it is the house that Christ came in order to deliver us. Pisces is the twelfth house, and there are twelve tribes of Israel. Christ said that he came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel.

Christ told us that only a wicked generation looks for a sign, and I interpret this to mean that people looked elsewhere, and not toward Him who was right there in front of them. We are to keep our eyes on Christ, lest be swallowed in the abyss the way Peter almost was when he was distracted by the wind. Jesus told Peter that with faith the apostle could walk on water, but when Peter got distracted by the wind, he began to sink, because he took his focus off of Jesus.

There is a saying, "We have a friend in Jesus", an adage that both Protestants and Catholics alike know and believe. We are now close to the house of Aquarius, which translates into "House of Friendships'. Aquarius is also the water bearer, and when Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, he told her that he was the living water:

"Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again. Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life." (John 6.13.4).

Since the symbol of the age of Pisces is the Fish and Jesus made fishers of men, and the symbol of the age of Aquarius is the Water-bearer, Jesus might return once more as a catcher, this time of water. As observed in an earlier blog, the sacrum has been connected to the water-bearer, and is translated to be "sacred" (holy). Jesus made people to catch the fish (sinners), so he now might make people to catch water. Could the new disciples be holy grails?
