I have been thinking that the Whore of Babylon was Jerusalem, as in Isaiah I learnt that Jerusalem was called a whore - a word, aka prostitute or harlot, to denote infidelity to the faith. Then I realized that I was not taking into account the whole Babylon part.
Babylon was modern day Iraq, and for six or seven years I have believed that there is a portal in Iraq that receives aliens, and is ultimately why the Middle East is hot spot. Today I learnt about Amalantrah Workings, a ritual created by Aleister Crowley used to unite our world with the unseen.
Aleister Crowley was called the Beast whose number is 666, and I now believe that he too understood chapter 13 in the Book of Revelation to be a warning about alien arrival. (Though Crowley considered himself to be Satan's "chief of staff").
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