Was Jesus an Essene?

Was Jesus an Essene? All signs point to "Yes".

1)  Essenes had no geographical location; they lived all over Judah ("The son of man has nowhere to rest his head")

2)  Ascetic, voluntary poverty, did not own property

3)  Studied mysticism, eschatology, and messanic prophecies

4)  Linked to the Dead Sea Scrolls, which taught how to perform exorcisms

5)  Celibate, did not marry

6)  One of the three sects of Judaism (Jesus was in all likelihood not a Pharisee or a Sadducee)

7)  Strict observance of the Sabbath day

8)  Ritually immersed in water

9)  Devoted themselves to charity (Jesus told his disciples to accept no money)

10) Flourished two centuries before Jesus' ministry, and two centuries after

11) Forbidden from sacrificing animals and from swearing oaths ("Do no call anyone on Earth your 'father'" - Note: "Father" is "God". We swear oaths on God's name)

12) Essenes did not keep slaves, instead they served each other (Jesus said that he had come to serve)

13) After a three year probation, members were initiated into the group (Jesus ministered for three years)


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Great article on Jesus as an Essene
