The joy of the 12 Step fellowship

Being in Alcoholics Anonymous has yielded so many results for me. It's a constant work in progress though, of course.

1) Desire to stop fighting with people, and to find some serenity

2) Recognition that I need to protect my serenity, and do what is necessary to achieve that

3) Confidence to stand up for myself and also to stick with people who are not detrimental to me

4) A sense of unity and protection, even though there are naturally some members who are predators

5) Ability to remain sober, without much peer pressure, which shows that my efforts are genuine, and are not fear-based of needing to do something on account of what others will think or say of me

6) In sobriety, my confidence has grown, my complexion has improved, I am more organized, and I am able to do a better job at work, without even making much effort to do so

7) Better relationships, and less anxiety. I also make plans and commitments and keep them, even if I do not want to follow through

8) A place to go and to be excited about. Even when I am not at my best, I look forward to going to my home group, and my unofficial home group

9) Following through with the Steps gives me a sense of purpose, and spiritual growth that is directly related to the works that the saints accomplish

10) The desire to do service and to help other people where ever possible

11) Public speaking skills, from reading in closed meetings when it is my turn, and from going up in front of the audience in open meetings and citing the selected readings as well

12) A sponsor who helps me to not only remain sober, but who also helps guide me through non-related AA concerns as well.
