A just God

I am in an online community where we discuss and debate faith. The group took a hit about a month and a half ago, when a bad seed was let in, and not only my own feelings and actions took a downturn, but morale is now at an all time low, even though this person left the group weeks ago. One person questioned God's unpalatable truths recorded in the Old Testament, and started a snowball. There are several posters who years ago rejected God, but who now call him Satan. They are forming allegiances and are feeding from each other. 

An unjust God, who condones the murder of alleged innocents, most notably women and children, is the topic of every thread, and there are only a few people who are able to defend the God of Israel, the God who became the Father of the Western world.

This is my response to one the the posters who will defend Yahweh, a poster whom in the spiral down I attacked, but whom in strife I have seen my fault, and who have reunited with. This is my message to all.

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The belligerent here forget that no one is innocent.

Every last person causes harm, and only the saints, the handful who are absolutely loathed, live thoughtful lives where they care about others, and do no, or minuscule, harm.

Women are of the most treacherous in society. There is a lesson in why Eve fell and then corrupted Adam in turn. This might sound harsh, but I believe that this is a very real and true assessment, and after all that is said and done, I personally could never let a vengeful God drive me from my faith or my duty.

People genuinely hurt others. Greed, envy, sloth - these are called deadly sins for a reason. They destroy communities. Children are called innocent, but they are not. Once they begin to walk, and make mistakes, they lie to cover them up. They manipulate their caregivers to get what they want. There is no "course" for jealousy toward other children, or for coveting. .

I do not fear judgement, nor do I fear the last day when I stand before the Lord. I know that I will be spared, because I have not only accepted my cross and in turn carry it, but I LEARN to neutralize my sins that would verily cause me much pain in this life and in the next. My only fear is that I might test the Lord.

But I know that my pain is finished, it died on the Cross with the Christ. I believe with all of the discernment that the Lord has given me, that in my time on Earth, I will surely drink poison, and yet live.

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Let it be known that the obliterated cultures were abominable not because they did not love the Lord, but because they loved only themselves, thereby showing pure disrespect toward his creation: an ecosystem that is symbiotic, and as such needs to be recognized thereby.

The societies that were destroyed committed incest with children, virgin sacrifice, and was ruled by the law of the jungle. Would it not be better to destroy the wicked, than to have let the wicked destroy those who lived by proportional justice?

Who is innocent. Who deserves the life that they have.
