
The end of the world will be ushered in after the realization that we have been influenced by a higher power that is not our Lord, but rather a small elite group so crafty that they even infiltrated the Bible without our knowledge.

I woke up two days ago, and the first thought that came to mind was that there are no demons: everything is man, on this earth, physical.

In the Bible, "sons of God” are angels, and Jesus said that those who do good work will become sons of God. Therefore, humans are capable of being angels: there is no set hierarchy indicating that we cannot transfer over. In fact, angels do not even exist in the context that we understand them to.

Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17.21) This means that the kingdom that is to come down from heaven and be established in the new earth as prophesied in Revelation 21.2, is actually the peace and love that comes from us internally. 

This means that justice reigns with the abolishment of the pathway to destruction - when the angel in its greatness, drops not only back to human status, being merely good, but down to the point of wickedness: a demon.

The people who manipulate us globally could not have been mere people, their influence and ruling is too great. In order to accomplish our own prosperity, we must recognize who these people are in order to dismantle them. This is more important at this time than to recognize our own abilities, as is the common teaching in the New Age movement. (And is also corrupt as it uses White Magic to manifest their goals).

This might raise the question of what an angel is. Angel means "annunciator", and historically spoke of God's will; essentially, a prophet. An angel(s) in this age could be what is needed to expose this one elite group, which I like to refer to as the Illuminati. As earlier mentioned, we are ruled by this power: not by the Lord's. In Biblical times, a prophet would warn people of their transgressions, and how to reconcile them.

Interestingly, an angel is of light (2 Corinthians 11.14), and illuminati means "shine". Also, the Son of Man (I believe the title given to a human, before excelling to angel status) will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. (Luke 17.24)

Jesus taught turn the other cheek instead of an eye for an eye, but he also said to be shrewd as a serpent and harmless as a dove. And Satan was the most shrewd of all of God's creations (Genesis 3.1). It is then safe to conclude that even the righteous need not wait for Armageddon to battle.
