Aliens and demons

Approximately seventy percent of our Universe is "dark energy", which is the property that expands the universe, along with twenty-five percent which is "dark matter", its mass. I am not a scientist, and it seems to me that even they don't have most of the answers yet, but the only way that I can attempt to make sense of it is the hypothesis that the energy in the Universe cannot be measured, but the celestial bodies can (which can show just how massive the Universe really is).

With multimedia, freer societies where us conspiracy theorists can congregate, and of course Roswell, it is becoming more acceptable that "we are not alone" in this space. With the New Age movement and 2012 "awakenings", we hear more about extra dimensions, multiverses, and alien abductions.

There is a movement illustrating aliens in religions, starting back to the first recorded religion in Mesopotamia. Here are two of the artifacts that survived the times:

And in Christian art, "The Crucifixion" from the fourteenth century:

A fifteenth century paining by Giovannino:

Also lastly, here is a link showing paintings from a late eighth century manuscript

There is a counterargument to the little spaceships in "The Crucifixion" painting. It has been asserted that these images are actually the sun and the moon, which are said to be a common feature in crucifixion art, because the Gospel accounts read that the earth became dark upon Jesus' death. 

However, there are beings within these depictions, to which if they are the sun and moon, would be the pagan sun and moon gods. At first sight of this argument, I thought that Christian art would never immortalize a pagan god, however, the origin of the word "demon" is divine. Therefore, it is acceptable to suggest that the pagan gods are the aliens, since in Christianity (and possibly Judaism), it is in all likelihood the pagan gods who are the demons. Furthermore, "divine" is the root word in "divination" - it is in the realm of the occult where the demons reside. We can see a unity or a duality of the alien and demon phenomena. 

There is also the idea that extra dimensional beings infiltrate the earth. The human eye can only perceive a certain range of light. Ultraviolet and infrared rays are not within our visible spectrum:

It has been asserted that these beings exist within these invisible realms, and even the Nicene Creed states, "We believe in all things visible and invisible". Saint Paul reminds us that we do not fight each other, but that rather we battle against the spirits from the ruling principalities above (Ephesians 6.12).

Whatever evidence there is in antiquity of aliens, there is, at least not at this time, no evidence of a coalition to fight off any attacks, which I believe have been happening since we rose from our primordial ooze. Though mainstream media now entertains the idea of aliens, it is still grossly misinformed, suggesting that any alien threat is to be some sort of World War IV attack. Yet we have already been infiltrated two-fold:

1) Aiding us with sophisticated technology to mutually annihilate each other. Man, an undisciplined creature, can cause enormous destruction such as genocide, and advanced enough to destroy an entire planet with a few pushes of a button, and furthermore would rather build on this destruction, than learn about the world or the Universe it's in (which would empower us, foiling the malignant beings' plans).

2) Diseases that are inhuman, such as cancer.

In our new time, it is important to not write-off demons, or conversely to lump them in with aliens, and we will not be able to defend ourselves if we cannot identify them. I suspect that there are different maladies that either entity places on people. Generally, the way that we can be certain by the nature of the illness. Physical are alien assaults, psychological are demonic. 

This new year, the Yogis are telling us that we are entering a New Age of Aquarius, and they will deter us from advancing in our knowledge and defence against demons, amongst many other acts of depravity. We are becoming fascinated with aliens in this new age, and this is good, but it is important to remain steady in our Biblical account of demonic attacks as well, and knowing the difference.
