Just under two thousand years ago, when the Christ walked in the Middle East, he said to his disciples that Rome would overpower the Temple and the nation.
Jesus told his followers that the Roman army would flood Jerusalem, and he said to flee to the mountains at that time.
It is within these mountains, that some of the Gnostic texts were found, right at the end of the Second World War.
It is within these mountains, that some of the Gnostic texts were found, right at the end of the Second World War.
This article claims that the Gnostics were the real Christians, and I believe this to be true. I postulate that it was the nation of Israel in the spiritual context that would be overthrown. The Israel that Jesus came to claim, which would become known as the "Followers of the Way": the Gnostics.
In 70 AD the Romans brutally took hold of the Temple; less than three centuries later, it had sanctioned and instituted Catholicism, after waging war on the Gnostics and feeding them to the lions. With the Council of Nicea, the Bible had been deliberated over, and without input from the Christians, the elite Roman officials decided what would constitute the faith: using one of their own to be the teacher - "Apostle" Paul.
I considered myself to be a Gnostic before I was baptized two and a half years ago, but something was missing. As I broke bread and drank wine by myself at Easter, I knew it wasn't enough. I needed real blessing and consecration, a tradition that has been lost in time and space in the current Gnostic path.
Despite that I have troubles with Roman Catholicism, I need the Eucharist, I need to be at that altar. No matter the concerns with its violent and manipulative past, the glamorous pope, or its idolatry, I stick with what is true and what was recorded by Justin the Martyr hundreds of years before the fragmented New Testament was even compiled.
Jesus told us that this would happen, we simply haven't realized it yet. But all that is hidden will be revealed, and we will come to recognize the dragon and his beasts.
"Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will be troubled, when he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All." - The Gospel of Thomas.
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