I have been communicating with a fellow soldier, and here is my reply to his question, "Do you want to change the world?" The last two paragraphs are add-ons for this piece.
Me: Well, I'd like to see the 99% take the 1% down. I do not understand how almost every last person is pushed down, forced into war, willing to consume poisonous food and water, etc. Sometimes I think it's just supposed to be this way. People are inherently flawed. I do not even see newborn babies as innocent. The minute they are able to move around, they begin to lie to cover up their mistakes and accidents, and manipulate others to get what they want.
Maybe it's the same as when Adam and Eve sinned and became aware and ashamed of their nakedness - we have this humiliation (don't know why), and fight against ourselves to cover it up. I think it is possible that this is what gives a select few power over us. I think it's comparable to the War on Terrorism: this "new" war where we do not even really know who the enemy is. In regards to war, for example, it is where the aggressors are able to win and take control, and in war it is the stronger and more aggressive who systematically degrade in order to subject and ruin the weak and the invaded.
I am convinced that our inherent shame is due to our disobedience to the god of this world (Not Satan as the false prophet writes, but of Israel's god) and can explain injurious phenomena such as the fall of the United States. National pride, and wanting to be served like royalty has caused gross injustice. All the labour is being exported, only to be brought back into the country, so that the US can feel as though it is being "served". This is destroying citizens, other nations, and the environment. To make matters worse, the US increased its debt when its leaders should have started paying it off. I am supposing they think they'll get it back if they spend just a little more on the war, for example.
So, yes, I would like to change the world. But as Jesus of Nazareth fought a spiritual war, so too I believe we must confront - is it the shame that we take on in our defiance that is keeping us subdued, and if this is so, of what, and what for? For me, I believe I am helping by studying and coming up with ideas, and talking to people like you.
The Book of Revelation says 144,000 angels have the Lamb and his Father's name written on their foreheads. They are the ones who are sealed in the Book of Life, and they are the ones who are saved on the last day. I find this fatalistic, though, and I believe the Lord of this world is merciful. As a result, I try to find a hidden meaning.
I would love to be a key player in the uprising of the 99%, but sometimes I feel that it is not meant to happen in the way that we intend (such as the Wall Street protests). Maybe instead of leading a resistance, we are supposed to help the population repent and turn to our Lord for the redemption that will hand to us the inheritance of the new earth. After all, the Lamb told us not to fight: that we would only die by the sword if we lived by it. Instead he prophesied that we would flee. Maybe he also meant flee from this worldly existence of sin.
I believe it is possible that we may fight alongside the 144,000 who are to lead in this war of the physical and economical, but through the instruction and tools given to us to rise against the spiritually corrupting, with the latter influencing the direction on how we value or detach from the former.
John bows before the angel in chapter 19, but the angels exclaims, "Do not worship me, worship God!". I believe that the angel and his legion are the front-liners who we take orders from. Just as the first beast takes orders from the dragon, and the second beast takes order from the first, so too do the angels take orders from the Lord of hosts, and we take orders from the angels: it is a hierarchy, though no one exceeds the Lord.
Therefore, I believe that the human population can never be of the 144,000 (unless some such as you and I are two of the angels in human form), not only because there will be a new heaven as well where the hosts will dwell, allowing us this space, but also because we can still inherit the new earth, because if we follow the instructions of the angels and the prophets, we could be saved through penance.
Me: Well, I'd like to see the 99% take the 1% down. I do not understand how almost every last person is pushed down, forced into war, willing to consume poisonous food and water, etc. Sometimes I think it's just supposed to be this way. People are inherently flawed. I do not even see newborn babies as innocent. The minute they are able to move around, they begin to lie to cover up their mistakes and accidents, and manipulate others to get what they want.
Maybe it's the same as when Adam and Eve sinned and became aware and ashamed of their nakedness - we have this humiliation (don't know why), and fight against ourselves to cover it up. I think it is possible that this is what gives a select few power over us. I think it's comparable to the War on Terrorism: this "new" war where we do not even really know who the enemy is. In regards to war, for example, it is where the aggressors are able to win and take control, and in war it is the stronger and more aggressive who systematically degrade in order to subject and ruin the weak and the invaded.
I am convinced that our inherent shame is due to our disobedience to the god of this world (Not Satan as the false prophet writes, but of Israel's god) and can explain injurious phenomena such as the fall of the United States. National pride, and wanting to be served like royalty has caused gross injustice. All the labour is being exported, only to be brought back into the country, so that the US can feel as though it is being "served". This is destroying citizens, other nations, and the environment. To make matters worse, the US increased its debt when its leaders should have started paying it off. I am supposing they think they'll get it back if they spend just a little more on the war, for example.
So, yes, I would like to change the world. But as Jesus of Nazareth fought a spiritual war, so too I believe we must confront - is it the shame that we take on in our defiance that is keeping us subdued, and if this is so, of what, and what for? For me, I believe I am helping by studying and coming up with ideas, and talking to people like you.
The Book of Revelation says 144,000 angels have the Lamb and his Father's name written on their foreheads. They are the ones who are sealed in the Book of Life, and they are the ones who are saved on the last day. I find this fatalistic, though, and I believe the Lord of this world is merciful. As a result, I try to find a hidden meaning.
I would love to be a key player in the uprising of the 99%, but sometimes I feel that it is not meant to happen in the way that we intend (such as the Wall Street protests). Maybe instead of leading a resistance, we are supposed to help the population repent and turn to our Lord for the redemption that will hand to us the inheritance of the new earth. After all, the Lamb told us not to fight: that we would only die by the sword if we lived by it. Instead he prophesied that we would flee. Maybe he also meant flee from this worldly existence of sin.
I believe it is possible that we may fight alongside the 144,000 who are to lead in this war of the physical and economical, but through the instruction and tools given to us to rise against the spiritually corrupting, with the latter influencing the direction on how we value or detach from the former.
John bows before the angel in chapter 19, but the angels exclaims, "Do not worship me, worship God!". I believe that the angel and his legion are the front-liners who we take orders from. Just as the first beast takes orders from the dragon, and the second beast takes order from the first, so too do the angels take orders from the Lord of hosts, and we take orders from the angels: it is a hierarchy, though no one exceeds the Lord.
Therefore, I believe that the human population can never be of the 144,000 (unless some such as you and I are two of the angels in human form), not only because there will be a new heaven as well where the hosts will dwell, allowing us this space, but also because we can still inherit the new earth, because if we follow the instructions of the angels and the prophets, we could be saved through penance.
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