The folly of the New Age movement

I love, and I earnestly mean that word, the New Age movement. Before I became a Christian two years ago, yoga healed me and made me strong. It made me likable (except when I was zealous), it took away frustration, it allowed for me to bless a person who did wrong against me, whether it was as little as cutting me off on the road, or as hurtful as slandering me.

But a year ago, for whatever reason, though I'm sure at the time it was a good one, I detested, and again I use that word intentionally, the New Age movement. I rebuked all yogis, I hated my "spiritual" friends for helping to usher in the anti-Christ, and everyone who was not for Jesus was against me and the world. The fear in my being was so strong, I truly believed that Satanists were trying to kill me. And I am not exaggerating; I was crippled.

After entering AA in January, my fear immediately dissipated, and again, I was healed. I loved yoga; I did not practice it (I gave up yoga years ago to focus on ballet, except for the odd class), but I meditated on my Sat Nam to once again be my fearless and trusted compass. I still took the Eucharist at least once a week, but I was teaching myself how to reconcile my own life, and my two opposite spiritual paths.

I have been enjoying playing upon this unification, but I still see one fundamental problem within the New Age movement: the teaching that we are gods.

As it is written in Ezekiel:

"Because you are haughty of heart,
you say, 'A god am I!
I occupy a godly throne
in the heart of the sea!'—
And yet you are a man, and not a god...
Therefore I will bring against you
foreigners, the most barbarous of nations.
They shall draw their swords
against your beauteous wisdom,
they shall run them through your splendid apparel.
They shall thrust you down to the pit, there to die
a bloodied corpse, in the heart of the sea.
Will you then say, 'I am a god!'
when you face your murderers—
No, you are man, not a god,
handed over to those who will slay you."

What are some of the characteristics of being god?  Immortality.  Forgiveness.  Love.  Power.

When we have our backs up against the wall, when we have been treacherously violated, are we able to do any of the above? Absolutely not. When the yogi is about to die, he will see that he is not immortal, and that he will not be able to love the person before him. 

I see hypothetical questions constantly, and everyone answers so righteously: "Yes I would die for that stranger", "Yes I would forgive the one who killed my family", "Yes I would love the one who robbed me", "Yes I am powerful enough to change my destiny". I was never ceased to be amazed at such falsehood.

When the yogi "faces his murderers", he will indeed see, that he was never a god.
