"I was sent only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel." - Matthew 15.24. This essay is to be appreciated by all, but of course we are not all called to be warriors. Peace to those of all faiths and non-faith alike.
Yahweh is the teacher. He has control over his students. Satan is not his child, rather he is the angel to another god, but Yahweh was still able to punish Satan, because Satan was in his classroom (Eden).
When Satan seduced Eve causing the fall of the humans, Yahweh said, "Now they have become one of us, knowing good from evil" (Genesis 3.22), meaning that we are now engaged in battle; we truly fell from innocence. We became either of the darkness, which Adam and Eve became, or of the light, which belong to Jesus.
As a result, when Jesus was accused of healing a man through the power of Beezlebub (Luke 11.14-5), Jesus said a kingdom divided against itself will fall (17). Since Yahweh reigns on earth, which the Jews knew, Jesus demonstrated his authority. Note that while this is currently Satan's world (2 Corinthians 4.4), this is not a contradiction to God having the ultimate dominion of earth, because God has allowed for Satan to participate, as he did with Job (Job 1.11-2).
Therefore, Jesus says to us, “Be in the world, but not of it.” (cannot find actual verbatim in scripture). This of course leads to conflict and therefore at times painful acts of reconciling the body (earthly) and the spirit (heavenly), but this is why Jesus repeatedly said to not worry, giving us his peace, because he goes before us (Matthew 28.20). To recognize Jesus’ peace is to accept the detachment needed to be not of this world.
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So who is the "us” that Yahweh refers to in The Fall? A priest will call it the "royal we", but I will not accept that answer. I believe the “us” is either 1) Yahweh plus other gods, or 2) Yahweh plus the angels (since Yahweh is talking to Satan. who is a [fallen] angel). I am beginning to suspect, however, that "god" and "angel" can be synonymous. Satan, an angel, is called a god in Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, "The god of this world (Satan) blinded the minds of the non-believers" (4.4).
Historically, “god” was plural - "elohim". Psalm 82.1 says that Yahweh takes his stand in the divine council amidst the gods. (See different translations here). I suspect that the divine council is where Yahweh conducts the rules of the war with his colleagues of equal stature (other gods), just as our state leaders behind closed doors also do.
Yes, we are at war, but it is crucial to take heed to Saint Paul’s words: that we do not battle with each other, but with powers from above (Ephesians 6.12). However, the many who are called do still takes sides that affect the flesh, because those who deny the material are defaulted to the darkness, for even if unknowingly, they choose the world (1 John 2.15), and this is why few become chosen (my interpretation: to fight the battle. See Matthew 22.14). I suspect this is why Jesus said, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23.24). Most of us are unaware of the true enemy, which is not each other.
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