I’ve been contemplating (or warring in my head, whichever) Catholicism and New Age, specifically (Kundalini) Yoga, and their similarities and differences. This is because I have been led to believe that the two schools are incompatible, but I through years of dedication have found concrete similarities.
What I consider to be the greatest factor that both links and severs the two theologies, is the topic of divinity: who has it, who can get it, and who is just shit out of luck.
The biggest connection on the topic of divinity in the Bible and in Yoga, is in the Book of Wisdom, which says that we are created to be immortal. However, there is no further canonical explanation (that I have found), which is perhaps how our recognition of divinity dwindled off by the time the New Testament came around.
And though Catholics beatify humans, and elect them as divine, it is really only in the Eastern Churches where we see a dialogue on theosis - the deification of man - and even then we recognize only those who have performed miracles. Yoga, on the other-hand, says that we're all misled gods.
In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he states that Satan is the god of this world, and in his letter to the Hebrews, he claims that Jesus was made lesser than the angels. And incidentally, this is why we observe Lent - the Temptation of the Christ in the desert.
Is it possible that to be a god is to be a co-creator? Humans are called co-creators in Catholicism, because they make little humans. If humans are lesser than the angels, then imagine what a lesser god could create!
It would be so much easier to feel more comfortable in our mortality, in understanding the evil that we do unto others, in the unseeable that we claim to know as Truth, and in the emptiness that we all ultimately feel, if we understood what it means to be a god, a saint, an angel, a demon, a host of the Holy Spirit…
Imagine if we had it all wrong about Yahweh and his status as "Primal Source", or "Father". If humans are co-creators, and if angels can fall, then why wouldn’t anyone question if Satan is the one who made this world? After all, this is his world, and there is more than one reference to his status in scripture.
Unfortunately, there are pretty much no texts on this anymore, even though angelology and demonology was an academic study during the Renaissance. Regardless, I believe that it’s time to “Fear the Lord” as that term is meant to be used – to respect that there is something greater than us, uncontrollable, and unpredictable. And why not - we see this in the simplicity of the weather nearly every day!
So if we "respect" the Lord, instead of "fear" him, perhaps we can start to question what I for one consider to be grossly important in living a peaceful and justified life. I am pretty sure if we did have some access to feed inquisitive minds, even if it could only be through our own pondering and dialogue with each other at this time, we would be a lot more similar, a lot more gnostic, and a lot more god-like than we’d at this time like to admit.
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