Now being the time that is safe to clear low-density, slow-vibration, base-level dimensional false impressions of myself is the message that I am being sent today. Last night I had an image of standing accused before God, in a white robe, my hands cuffed in the front, and two tall, slim angels in white light standing beside me. I wept to the Lord, I had no idea how things got so off-track for myself, for humanity.
But really, right now isn't a crusade about prophesying to the lost, it's about me healing the past, so that I can move along without tension, as I believe I, all of us, were meant to do. No one grows up expecting to make incredible failures, to be so dejected, disillusioned, dissolute and destitute, but we do. We make big mistakes, we have big regrets, big confusion, and consequently we are displaced, angry, alienated, we reject faith, carry shame, and finally become spiritually and bodily ruined.
But I am confident that it was never God's intention for me to stand before Him, about to be convicted of treason, in fact it is Satan who is the accuser. I therefore question the messages that are being sent to earth, and where these messages are coming from. Isn't it the devil's tactic to tell us that we are not good enough? When he approached Eve in the garden, that is what he said to her, but he did so in "doublespeak". He didn't outright say, "You are not good enough", he said "You could be better." Instantly, I believe even before Eve bit into that poisoned apple, she was corrupted, because she believed him.
And thus the story goes. No one is good enough - we set almost impossible standards, and when we can't meet the requirements for being a person of value, we judge, neglect, abandon, cast out, and condemn others. Then the philosophers and theologians sit around in the comfort of their climate-controlled environments, and question, ponder, and debate why we as a people and as a society are so sick and confused. Or worse yet, we do meet those standards, realize our "goals" were achieved in ignorance and falsehood, and live out almost two thirds of our lives angry and full of regret, passing that energy down to everyone and everything we come across.
The key to happiness is to live out our potential to its full realization. There is a popular meme on Facebook of a quote by Albert Einstein who said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." How true is this? Not at all surprising it was said by a man who had balanced the material and the spiritual: a true mystic.
Do we even offer people the chance to examine their talents, their genius? Absolutely not. And I speak not as individuals being robbed of their destinies, but rather the staples that we have artificially laid out as a framework for what a prosperous person looks like - a robot. We are bereaved of our humanity, of what makes us special, of what makes us godly. Now we are facing the economic challenges of technology taking over jobs, but people haven't cultivated the interpersonal skills of honesty, humor, and compassion that are crucial to win out to a machine.
It doesn't have to be this way. The lightworkers, the trailblazers, the ones who are burning away the restricting paradigms, are transmuting these parasitic patterns into safe spaces that are circular, which is life, and not straight*, which is death. Trust these people, they sacrifice so that you might be inspired to change. It is never too late to find your genius. God doesn't want us shackled before Him, he wants us showing Him what we can do, how we can use the gifts that HE gave us. That is the meaning of life. Just like the way our pets or children bring us joy when we see them safe and happy, that's exactly how God feels when he see us enjoying our gifts, and we can know this through the rewarding sense of accomplishment and the peace that we feel when we are working with our talents.
True freedom is when we cultivate these talents that God has bestowed us. And remember, the point is not to have it all figured out, that is the process. We might not recognize right away what we have been given, and we might not be really skilled in it at first, either. We might need a teacher, or a mentor, we might fail and feel crappy about the end result, and even might have to withstand criticism, but it is all worth it. The lesson is to make a start, it is only in starting that we might find something really incredible, more powerful and valuable than what we place on the opinions of others.
* While Jesus teaches about the "straight" path, the original Greek word was actually "cramped".
True freedom is when we cultivate these talents that God has bestowed us. And remember, the point is not to have it all figured out, that is the process. We might not recognize right away what we have been given, and we might not be really skilled in it at first, either. We might need a teacher, or a mentor, we might fail and feel crappy about the end result, and even might have to withstand criticism, but it is all worth it. The lesson is to make a start, it is only in starting that we might find something really incredible, more powerful and valuable than what we place on the opinions of others.
* While Jesus teaches about the "straight" path, the original Greek word was actually "cramped".
Very Impressive.