
Welcome to my first Doreen Virtue Jesus Card Reading!! The way this works is, I select a card from a deck, and then write about it. It is very similar to Tarot, however, as shown below, it is not used to predict the future. I like to view it as opening the page to a random spot in a motivational book, as the Spirit guides us, but that there is a bit more ritual and intent involved. 

Today's card is about temptation. But it's more than just that. Temptation is all around us in every form imaginable. From food to sex to wrong thinking to laziness to anger.....the list goes on! Temptation is boring and uninspiring. No, the real message is to pray to be safe from temptation. Prayer is the true focus of today's card reading.

The Bible tells us to pray ceaselessly and tirelessly (1 Thessalonians 5.17-18). So the question really is, How free do we want to be? True strength is found only in humility, which means to know that of ourselves, we are nothing - it is the Father who doeth the work! (John 14.10). How well do we fight temptation on willpower alone? After an honest appraisal, chances are it will be revealed, not very well :)

There is nothing wrong in our weakness, for then we are strengthened in God (1 Thessalonians 5.17-18). So pray continuously to be relieved of the burdens of self; be sober and vigilant of the shortcomings that I know you work so courageously on (1 Peter 5:8), and then go into the world and be a witness to the miracle of God's saving grace. Announce the perfection that is your inheritance (Matthew 5:48), being confident that it will come into fruition, through God's complete and fulfilling love, and in our watching for anything that could be a stumbling block in our journey back to innocence. Amen.
