All things are possible

Today's Jesus card reading is a difficult one to write upon, I felt there was not enough background information in it. So I went to the passage in the Bible in order to make better sense of it.

"He answered, 'Because of your little faith [your lack of trust and confidence in the power of God]; for I assure you and most solemnly say to you, if you have [living] faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and [if it is God’s will] it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.'" (Matthew 17.20)

As I searched in the Amplified Bible Version, I saw that the passages leading up to today's Jesus card was when the disciples could not drive the demon out from the infected sufferer, a child, at that (Matthew 17. 15-6). When they left, feeling utterly dejected, they in private asked Jesus, "Lord, why could we not exorcise this demon?" (Matthew 17.14-20). Jesus replied, "Because of your little faith (lack of trust and confidence) (Ibid).

And this is what today's message is - no matter how unsure you are, no matter how inadequate you feel, no matter how full of rot you believe to have festering in you - tell the devil "NO! Go back to where you came from!"

Fake it till you make it, and I will witness to you a hundred times over, you WILL make it, in every challenge in your life, whether it be spiritual or secular. Say affirmations, read spiritual literature, get out of that chair you've been sitting in for the past few hours and (try to) touch your toes, take a shower, put on a new set of clothing. But more importantly, repeat to yourself that you are a child of God. Repeat it until is so ingrained in you, not only do you start to believe it, it becomes effortless to remember and call upon it.

Jesus promises us that with the faith of a mustard seed - a tiny seed that dies and and then grows very quickly into a very large tree that houses the birds, gives shade to the weary, and provides nourishment for us - our smallness is deceiving. We have the Power of God propelling us, and therefore NOTHING is impossible (Matthew 17.20). Amen.
