Another requirement for manifesting your twin flame relationship is to be (almost) healed of insecurities and feelings of inadequacies. If a person is lacking in self worth, if they feel that they do not deserve to stand on their own, then a relationship with his or her twin will not materialize, for in a twin flame relationship, there can be no reliance on the other half.
Each have must be fully self-supporting; this is just another paradox to be contemplated upon. It is fully normal and healthy to become a team, to be able to accomplish tasks that would not be practical to perform solo, but if reliance on a relationship to compensate for feelings of inferiority is even remotely present, then the relationship cannot be. Yet while a person must be able to stand on his or her own in any given environment, there are deep rooted hurts that can not be healed on one's own, or even meant to be healed on one's own through God's will. In this case, a twin flame relationship can happen, and will be needed for complete healing.
Each have must be fully self-supporting; this is just another paradox to be contemplated upon. It is fully normal and healthy to become a team, to be able to accomplish tasks that would not be practical to perform solo, but if reliance on a relationship to compensate for feelings of inferiority is even remotely present, then the relationship cannot be. Yet while a person must be able to stand on his or her own in any given environment, there are deep rooted hurts that can not be healed on one's own, or even meant to be healed on one's own through God's will. In this case, a twin flame relationship can happen, and will be needed for complete healing.
This understanding whether or not a person is relying on a relationship for validation takes an incredible amount of introspection and brutal honesty. The person must be so aware of his or her feelings, that when feelings of worthlessness are surfaced they may be immediately confronted and dispelled. A good way of testing if one is feeling inferior is to ask oneself if he or she feels okay in an environment, or if it is felt that a person, in this case a mate, is required. If a person feels that they do not deserve to be present in a given situation, then that is a huge red flag on a person's spiritual development.
In order for feelings of uselessness and self-pity to vanish, one must recognize their worth, and the best way to feel worthy is to help others. And when a person is spiritually fit, simply being present is helpful, because a spiritually fit person had the peace of God emanating from him or her. The offering of peace, even by simply existing in an setting is the most welcoming trait that a person can give. To comfort others is an inexhaustible resource that will be valued regardless of the environment, and once a person can appreciate this universally accepted possession that is designed to be given away, he or she will have the confidence that is required to be (re)united with their twin.
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